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  1. Submission, SUB-Y2G8-001934. Return to footnote 1
  2. Young, S. DisabilityCare is just a step towards a better Australia, ABC News, 3 July 2013. Return to footnote 2
  3. Productivity Commission, Disability care and Support Inquiry Report, No. 54, Productivity Commission website, 31 July 2011. Return to footnote 3
  4. National Disability Insurance Agency, NDIS Quarterly Report to Disability Ministers 2022-23 Q4, NDIA, 30 June 2023; Johnson, S. and Gifford, D. National Disability Insurance Scheme Annual Financial Sustainability Report 2021-22, National Disability Insurance Agency, n.d. Return to footnote 4
  5. Submission, SUB-N9X1-001903. Return to footnote 5
  6. Submission, SUB-Y2G8-001934. Return to footnote 6
  7. Submission, SUB-N1S3-001728. Return to footnote 7
  8. Productivity Commission, Review of the National Disability Agreement Study report, Productivity Commission website, February 2019. Return to footnote 8
  9. Submission, SUB-Q3S7-000236. Return to footnote 9
  10. Submission, SUB-V9P6-000775. Return to footnote 10
  11. Submission, SUB-J1P0-000509. Return to footnote 11
  12. Submission, SUB-W7L6-000437. Return to footnote 12
  13. Submission, SUB-G1K9-000784. Return to footnote 13
  14. Submission, SUB-J6L9-000041. Return to footnote 14
  15. Submission, SUB-S1R4-000751. Return to footnote 15
  16. Submission, SUB-V7W5-000529. Return to footnote 16
  17. Duffy, S. Designing NDIS: An International Perspective on Individual Funding Systems, The Centre for Welfare Reform, 2013, p. 28. Return to footnote 17
  18. Duffy, S., Brown, M. Redesigning the NDIS: An international perspective on an Australian disability support system, Citizen Network, 2023. Return to footnote 18
  19. National Disability Insurance Agency, NDIS Quarterly Report to Disability Ministers 2022-23 Q4, NDIA, 30 June 2023; Johnson, S. and Gifford, D. National Disability Insurance Scheme Annual Financial Sustainability Report 2021-22, National Disability Insurance Agency, n.d. Return to footnote 19
  20. Avery, S. Culture is Inclusion: A narrative of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability, First Peoples Disability Network Australia, 2018. Return to footnote 20
  21. Australian Early Development Census, Australian Early Development Census National Report 2021: Early Childhood Development in Australia, AEDC website, 2021 Return to footnote 21
  22. Productivity Commission, Mental Health Inquiry Report, Productivity Commission website, November 2020. Return to footnote 22
  23. Consultation, Disability Advocacy Network Australia, 8 August 2023 Return to footnote 23
  24. Productivity Commission, Disability Care and Support Inquiry Report Volume 1, Productivity Commission website, July 2011, p. 12; Department of Social Services, Information, Linkages and Capacity Building Strategic Documents, DSS website, January 2022. Return to footnote 24
  25. Olney, S., Mills, A., Fallon, L. The Tier 2 tipping point: access to support for working-age Australians with disability without individual NDIS funding, Melbourne Disability Institute, University of Melbourne, June 2022. Return to footnote 25
  26. Submission, SUB-G1K9-000784. Return to footnote 26
  27. Consultation, Self-Advocacy Resource Unit, members and people with disability, 17 July 2023. Return to footnote 27
  28. Submission, SUB-T0Y5-000806. Return to footnote 28
  29. Submission, SUB-F8J6-000822. Return to footnote 29
  30. Erin Wilson, E., Qian-Khoo, J., Campain, R. et al., Informing Investment Design: ILC Research Activity, Centre for Social Impact, Swinburne University of Technology, November 2021. Return to footnote 30
  31. Productivity Commission, Report on Government Services 2023 – Services for people with disability, Productivity Commission website, January 2023. Return to footnote 31
  32. Productivity Commission, Report on Government Services 2023, Productivity Commission website, 2023. Return to footnote 32
  33. Productivity Commission, National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Costs Study Report, Productivity Commission website, October 2017; Productivity Commission, Review of the National Disability Agreement study report, Productivity Commission website, February 2019. Return to footnote 33
  34. Submission, SUB-K8G2-003613. Return to footnote 34
  35. Submissions, SUB-M4Y6-001957; SUB-K1P6-002005; SUB-B8S2-002308. Return to footnote 35
  36. Australian Healthcare Associates, Review of Assistive Technology Programs in Australia: Final Report, 9 June 2020, p. 4. Return to footnote 36
  37. Layton, N. and Brusco, N., The Australian assistive technology equity studies: Improving access to assistive technology for people with disability who are not eligible for the NDIS, Monash University and COTA Victoria, 2022, p. 5. Return to footnote 37
  38. Productivity Commission, Mental Health inquiry report volume 3, Productivity Commission website, 2020, p. 844, 862. Return to footnote 38
  39. Australian Early Development Census, Australian Early Development Census National Report 2021: Early Childhood Development in Australia, AEDC website, 2021. Return to footnote 39
  40. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, People with disability in Australia 2022, AIHW website, 2022. Return to footnote 40
  41. Australian Bureau of Statistics, Disability, Ageing and Carers, Australia: Summary of Findings, ABS website, October 2019. Return to footnote 41
  42. Employ My Ability: Disability Employment Strategy. Return to footnote 42
  43. Council of Australian Governments, 2010–2020 National Disability Strategy, Australian Government, 2011, p. 3. Return to footnote 43
  44. United Nations, Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), 2006. Return to footnote 44
  45. Australian Human Rights Commission, 2017-2018 Complaint statistics, 2018; Australian Human Rights Commission, 2021-22 Complain Statistics, 2022. Return to footnote 45
  46. Australian Human Rights Commission, Free and Equal: A reform agenda for federal discrimination laws, Australian Human Rights Commission, 2021; Submission, SUB-W4N6-002069. Return to footnote 46
  47. Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, Volume 4: Realising the Human Rights of People with Disability, Australian Government, 2023. Return to footnote 47
  48. Department of Social Services, The Applied Principles and Tables of Support to Determine Responsibilities NDIS and other services, DSS website, 2021. Return to footnote 48
  49. Submissions, SUB-N7T1-000999; SUB-W0H8-000601. Return to footnote 49
  50. Submission, SUB-L5B0-000827. Return to footnote 50
  51. Consultation, First Peoples Disability Network (Broome), July 2023. Return to footnote 51
  52. Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Region Development, Communications and the Arts, Discussion paper—2022 Review of the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002, DITRDCA website, 2022. Return to footnote 52
  53. Submissions, SUB-L1V6-000803; SUB-V1D7-001085; SUB-K0B5-001005; SUB-R4W6-000092. Return to footnote 53
  54. Submissions, SUB-L1V6-000803; SUB-V1D7-001085; SUB-K0B5-001005; SUB-R4W6-000092, Return to footnote 54
  55. Research Centre for Children and Families, Children with disability in out-of-home care – summary of the literature, The University of Sydney, 2022. Return to footnote 55
  56. Submissions, SUB-H8B2-000103; SUB-W8V2-001000; SUB-M3Z0-000528; SUB-R8D5-001002. Return to footnote 56
  57. Child and Family Services Roundtable, July 2023; Submissions, SUB-H8B2-000103; SUB-C9W5-003134. Return to footnote 57
  58. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, The health of Australia’s prisoners, AIHW website, 2019, p. 78. Return to footnote 58
  59. Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs, Indefinite Detention of People with Cognitive and Psychiatric Impairment in Australia: Final Report, Parliament of Australia, 29 November 2016, p. 24. Return to footnote 59
  60. Yates, S., Dodd, S., Doyle, C., Buick, F., & Dickinson, H., Where specialist and mainstream service systems collide: The National Disability Insurance Scheme in prisons, Australian Journal of Public Administration, 2022, p. 611-628; Submission, SUB-W8V2-001000; Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, Volume 8: Criminal justice and people with disability, Australian Government, 29 September 2023, p. 219-21. Return to footnote 60
  61. Submission, SUB-K5L3-001794. Return to footnote 61
  62. Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, Volume 8 Criminal justice and people with disability, Australian Government, 29 September 2023, p. 211, 213. Return to footnote 62
  63. Submissions SUB-K7J7-002344; SUB-Z6Z5-001208; SUB-L1Z4-001480. Return to footnote 63
  64. Inclusion Australia, Submission to the Early Years Strategy Discussion Paper, Inclusion Australia, 30 April 2023. Return to footnote 64
  65. Australian Institute or Health and Welfare, People with disability in Australia, AIHW website, July 2022. Return to footnote 65
  66. Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, Volume 7: Inclusive education, employment and housing, Australian Government, 29 September 2023, p. 190-1, 271. Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, Media Release: Students with disability face serious barriers to accessing safe, quality and inclusive education, Australian Government, 17 November 2021. Return to footnote 66
  67. Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, Media Release: Students with disability face serious barriers to accessing safe, quality and inclusive education, Australian Government, 17 November 2021. Return to footnote 67
  68. Submissions, SUB-M3D3-000439; SUB-Q6C1-000132; SUB-G0F8-000036; SUB-S2W1-000272; SUB-L8L8-000863; SUB-V0N7-000812. Return to footnote 68
  69. Submissions, SUB-L4R8-000632; SUB-M3D3-000439; SUB-S2W1-000272; SUB-D5T5-000841. Return to footnote 69
  70. Australian Government, National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013, Federal Register of Legislation, 2022, s 29. Return to footnote 70
  71. Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, Volume 2: The current system, Australian Government, 1 March 2021, p. 5.; Submissions, SUB-D5J3-000824; SUB-F4B0-000821; SUB-T0Y5-000806. Return to footnote 71
  72. Productivity Commission, Volume 1: Mental Health inquiry report, Productivity Commission website, 30 June 2020, p. 30-34. Return to footnote 72
  73. Young People in Nursing Homes National Alliance, Submission to the Senate Community Affairs Committee’s Concussions and Head Trauma in Sport Inquiry, Parliament of Australia website, February 2023, p. 7. Return to footnote 73
  74. Productivity Commission, Disability Care and Support inquiry report, Productivity Commission website, 31 July 2011, p. 180, 917. Return to footnote 74
  75. National Disability Insurance Agency, Compensation Information for NDIS Review, unpublished, 2023, p. 1. Return to footnote 75
  76. Submission, SUB-C2L8-001882. Return to footnote 76
  77. Submission, SUB-S9S1-000453. Return to footnote 77
  78. Submission, SUB-Q1J3-001836. Return to footnote 78
  79. Submission, SUB-Z6J9-002895. Return to footnote 79
  80. Submission, SUB-D5T9-000646. Return to footnote 80
  81. Griffith University, Presentation at the policy forum on reasonable and necessary decision-making, Adjudicating Rights for a Sustainable NDIS: ARC Discovery Project 2021-2023, 12 September 2023. Return to footnote 81
  82. Submission, SUB-P3F1-003300 Return to footnote 82
  83. Submission, SUB-H0Z1-001062. Return to footnote 83
  84. Interview, NDIS Review, 22 March 2023. Return to footnote 84
  85. Submission, SUB-L3G4-000423. Return to footnote 85
  86. Submission, SUB-V1Y6-000330. Return to footnote 86
  87. Submission, SUB-W5B7-000049. Return to footnote 87
  88. Submission, SUB-C3J3-001145. Return to footnote 88
  89. Submission, SUB-Y2B0-000400. Return to footnote 89
  90. Productivity Commission, Disability Care and Support inquiry report, Productivity Commission website, 31 July 2011. p. 171 Return to footnote 90
  91. Submission, SUB-T0Y5-000806. Return to footnote 91
  92. Submission, SUB-R3D8-003210. Return to footnote 92
  93. Submission, SUB-G7H2-002315. Return to footnote 93
  94. Tune, D. Review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013: Removing Red Tape and Implementing the NDIS Participant Service Guarantee, DSS website, December 2019 ; Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Review of NDIS Planning: Final Report, December 2020. Return to footnote 94
  95. Consultation, Disability Advocacy Network Australia, 8 August 2023 Return to footnote 95
  96. Submission, SUB-B8V6-000042 Return to footnote 96
  97. Submission, SUB-N1Q7-001921. Return to footnote 97
  98. Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Review of NDIS Planning: Final Report, December 2020. Return to footnote 98
  99. Productivity Commission, Disability Care and Support inquiry report, Productivity Commission website, 31 July 2011. Return to footnote 99
  100. Submission, SUB-C0C3-003354. Return to footnote 100
  101. Submission, SUB-B4F9-002286 Return to footnote 101
  102. NDIS Review, Analysis of unpublished data supplied by the NDIA as at 30 June 2023, October 2023. Return to footnote 102
  103. National Disability Insurance Agency, Participant dashboards: Data downloads, NDIA, 30 June 2022. The percentage of adult participants in the NDIS with a disability that would likely benefit from SDM is calculated by adding several categories of primary disability (autism, developmental delay, intellectual disability, acquired brain injury, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, stroke and Down Syndrome), then calculating what proportion of adult participants this represents. The percentage of participants under the age of 18 is calculated by taking the age brackets for participants 18 years or below and adding them together, then calculating what proportion of total participants this represents. We acknowledge that this figure is speculative and does not account for individual circumstances or situations, however there is limited data available on this issue and more research is needed to better reflect the true picture of participant need for support for decision-making. Return to footnote 103
  104. Submission, SUB-C1T4-000174. Return to footnote 104
  105. Submission, SUB-X6Q6-001469. Return to footnote 105
  106. NDIA, Unpublished analysis supplied by the NDIA to the NDIS Review, July 2023. Return to footnote 106
  107. Carers NSW Australia, 2022 National Carer Survey, Carers NSW, 2022. Return to footnote 107
  108. Bigby, C., Whiteside, M., Douglas, J. Providing support for decision making to adults with intellectual disability: Perspectives of family members and workers in disability support services, Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 44:4, 2019. Return to footnote 108
  109. NDIA, Unpublished analysis supplied by the NDIA to the NDIS Review, July 2023. Return to footnote 109
  110. Consultation, Disability Advocacy Network Australia, 10 August 2023. Return to footnote 110
  111. Department of Education, Skills and Employment, Australian Early Development Census: National Report 2021, Australian Early Development Census, 2021. Return to footnote 111
  112. Department of Education, Skills and Employment, Australian Early Development Census: National Report 2021, Australian Early Development Census, 2021. Return to footnote 112
  113. Productivity Commission, Report on Government Services: School education, Productivity Commission website, 6 June 2023, Table 4.7A. Return to footnote 113
  114. National Disability Insurance Agency, NDIS Quarterly Report to Disability Ministers 2022-23 Q4, NDIA, 30 June 2023, p. 15. Return to footnote 114
  115. National Disability Insurance Agency, NDIS Quarterly Report to Disability Ministers 2022-23 Q4, NDIA, 30 June 2023, p. 79. Return to footnote 115
  116. Centre for Community Child Health (2021). Mainstream Child Development Check Program: Research Insights. Centre for Community Child Health, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute* Return to footnote 116
  117. Centre for Community Child Health (2021). Mainstream Child Development Check Program: Research Insights. Centre for Community Child Health, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute* Return to footnote 117
  118. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Australia’s children, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 25 February 2022. Return to footnote 118
  119. Submission, SUB-V4X4-003661. Return to footnote 119
  120. Department of Education, Inclusion Support Program Guidelines: Version 2.5, Department of Education website, July 2023, p. 6. Return to footnote 120
  121. Bray, J. R, Carroll, M., Baxter, J., Budinski, M. and Gray, M., Evaluation of the Inclusion Support Program, Australian Institute of Family Studies, December 2022. Return to footnote 121
  122. Submission, SUB-V4X4-003661. Return to footnote 122
  123. Dickinson, H., Smith, C., Yates, S. and Faulkner, A., How deep does it go? Australian students with disability and their experience of entrenched inequity in education, Children and Young People with Disability Australia,27 May 2023. Return to footnote 123
  124. Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, Public Hearing 7: Barriers experienced by students with disability in accessing and obtaining a safe, quality and inclusive school education and consequent life course impacts, Australian Government, 7 May 2021. Return to footnote 124
  125. Submission, SUB-T7H0-000620. Return to footnote 125
  126. Submission, SUB-D9J1-002761. Return to footnote 126
  127. Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Independent Assessments: Final Report, Parliament of Australia, October 2021. Return to footnote 127
  128. National Disability Insurance Agency, The early childhood approach for children younger than 9, July 2023, NDIA website. Return to footnote 128
  129. National Disability Insurance Agency, Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) Implementation Reset, NDIA website, November 2020. Return to footnote 129
  130. National Disability Insurance Agency, The early childhood approach for children younger than 9, July 2023, NDIA website; Reimagine Australia, What is best practice, Reimagine Australia, n.d. Return to footnote 130
  131. Independent Advisory Council to the NDIS, Promoting best practice in early childhood intervention, Independent Advisory Council to the NDIS, March 2020. Return to footnote 131
  132. Arefadib, N. and Moore, T.G., Realising the Potential: Early Childhood Intervention under the NDIS, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute for the Victorian Department of Education and Training, September 2019. Return to footnote 132
  133. Submission, SUB-C5D8-001090. Return to footnote 133
  134. Submission, SUB-J9Y3-000187. Return to footnote 134
  135. Submission, SUB-C3S4-003726. Return to footnote 135
  136. Department of Social Services, Early Years Strategy, DSS website, July 2023; Department of Social Services, National Autism Strategy, DSS website, September 2023; Department of Education, The National School Reform Agreement, Department of Education website, December 2022; Productivity Commission, Early childhood education and care, Productivity Commission website, 2023. Return to footnote 136
  137. National Disability Insurance Agency, Supplement to NDIS Quarterly Report to Disability Ministers 2022-23 Q4, 30 June 2023, p. 4; NDIA, Unpublished analysis supplied by the NDIA to the NDIS Review, October 2023. Return to footnote 137
  138. National Disability Insurance Agency, Participant dashboards: Psychosocial Disability dashboard summary, NDIA, 30 June 2023, p. 1. Return to footnote 138
  139. Submission, K4Z4-000804. Return to footnote 139
  140. National Disability Insurance Agency, Participant dashboards: Psychosocial Disability dashboard summary, NDIA, 30 June 2023, p. 5. Return to footnote 140
  141. Submissions, SUB-H9P8-000229; SUB-T3F0-002183. Return to footnote 141
  142. Submission, SUB-L4K3-002619. Return to footnote 142
  143. Submission, SUB-K4Z4-000804. Return to footnote 143
  144. Submissions, SUB-L1X9-000724; SUB-Z1Z6-001389; SUB-C5K7-002366. Return to footnote 144
  145. National Disability Insurance Agency, NDIS Psychosocial Disability Recovery-Oriented Framework, NDIA, 2021, p. 6. Return to footnote 145
  146. National Disability Insurance Agency, Participant dashboards: Psychosocial Disability dashboard summary, NDIA, 30 June 2023, p. 4. Return to footnote 146
  147. Submission, SUB-L4K3-002619. Return to footnote 147
  148. Hayes, L., Brophy, L., Harvey, C. et al., Effective, evidence-based psychosocial interventions suitable for early intervention in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS): promoting psychosocial functioning and recovery, University of Melbourne and Mind Australia, September 2016. Return to footnote 148
  149. Submission, SUB-D1P7-002703. Return to footnote 149
  150. National Disability Insurance Agency, Participant dashboards: Psychosocial Disability dashboard summary, NDIA, 30 June 2023, p. 4. Return to footnote 150
  151. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Expenditure on mental health-related services, AIHW website, August 2023. Return to footnote 151
  152. NDIA, Unpublished analysis supplied by the NDIA to the NDIS Review, October 2023; AIHW, Expenditure on mental health related services. Return to footnote 152
  153. Productivity Commission, Volume 3: Mental Health inquiry report, Productivity Commission website, 30 June 2020, p. 862. Return to footnote 153
  154. Submission, SUB-Y3G4-002729. Return to footnote 154
  155. Productivity Commission, Volume 1: Mental Health inquiry report, Productivity Commission website, 30 June 2020, p. 30, 34. Return to footnote 155
  156. Submission, SUB-L4K3-002619. Return to footnote 156
  157. Submission, SUB-K7K3-002422. Return to footnote 157
  158. McGorry, P., Coghill, D. and Berk, M., Mental health of Young Australians: dealing with a public health crisis, Medical Journal of Australia, July 2023. Return to footnote 158
  159. United Nations, Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Optional Protocol, United Nations, 13 December 2006. Return to footnote 159
  160. NDIS Review, Analysis of unpublished data supplied by the NDIA as at 30 June 2023, September 2023. Return to footnote 160
  161. National Disability Insurance Agency, NDIS Quarterly Report to Disability Ministers 2022-23 Q4, NDIA, 30 June 2023. Return to footnote 161
  162. Submission, SUB-M4X2-002714. Return to footnote 162
  163. National Disability Insurance Agency, NDIS Quarterly Report to Disability Ministers 2022-23 Q4, NDIA, 30 June 2023, National Disability Insurance Agency, AAT applications received with SDA in dispute for FY2022-23, unpublished, 28 August 2023. Return to footnote 163
  164. Submissions, SUB-X4C8-002783; SUB-V1Z3-002697; SUB-Q9M5-002597. Return to footnote 164
  165. Submissions, SUB-C2L8-001882; SUB-X4C8-002783 Return to footnote 165
  166. Submission, SUB-C2L8-001882. Return to footnote 166
  167. Submission, SUB-F6N5-003169. Return to footnote 167
  168. National Disability Insurance Agency, Supplement P to NDIS Quarterly Report to Disability Ministers 2022-23 Q4, NDIA website, August 2023. Return to footnote 168
  169. NDIS Review, Analysis of unpublished data supplied by the NDIA as at 30 June 2023, September 2023. Return to footnote 169
  170. Submission, SUB‑D4R0-003765. Return to footnote 170
  171. Submission, SUB-X4C8-002783. Return to footnote 171
  172. Submission, SUB‑C3W7-001123. Return to footnote 172
  173. Submissions, SUB-C9R4-003751; SUB-M8L2-003799. Return to footnote 173
  174. NDIS Review, Analysis of unpublished data supplied by the NDIA as at 30 June 2023, September 2023. Return to footnote 174
  175. Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Inquiry into Supported Independent Living, Parliament of Australia, May 2020; Tune, D. Review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013: Removing Red Tape and Implementing the NDIS Participant Service Guarantee, DSS website, December 2019; Independent Advisory Council to the NDIS, Challenges in housing and support under the NDIS, November 2019. Return to footnote 175
  176. Submission, SUB-J3W8-001498; Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, Final Report, Volume 7 – Part C, Inclusive education, employment and housing, Australian Government, September 2023. Return to footnote 176
  177. Consultation, Every Australian Counts, 18 September 2023. Return to footnote 177
  178. NDIA, NDIS Pricing Arrangements for Specialist Disability Accommodation 2023-24 (Version 1.2), NDIS website, 12 July 2023; NDIA, NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation Design Standard (Edition 1.1), NDIS website, 25 October 2019. Return to footnote 178
  179. Submission, SUB-G0B7-001547. Return to footnote 179
  180. Submission, SUB-C1F3-000410. Return to footnote 180
  181. Submission, SUB-R5R6-000976. Return to footnote 181
  182. Submission, SUB-F3J0-000030. Return to footnote 182
  183. Submission, SUB-R5K1-000456. Return to footnote 183
  184. Submission, SUB-V8M3-001777. Return to footnote 184
  185. Submission, SUB-D3Y0-000548. Return to footnote 185
  186. Australian National Audit Office, Effectiveness of the National Disability Insurance Agency’s Management of Assistance with Daily Life Supports, ANAO, June 2023. Return to footnote 186
  187. NDIA, Analysis of 2022-23 payments subject to price controls, unpublished, October 2023. Return to footnote 187
  188. NDIA, Final report - Financial Benchmarking Survey 2021-22, May 2022, p. 69. Return to footnote 188
  189. Submission, SUB-K4P2-003773. Return to footnote 189
  190. NDIS Review, Analysis of unpublished data supplied by the NDIA as at 30 June 2023, September 2023. Return to footnote 190
  191. Submission, SUB-Q2G5-002552. Return to footnote 191
  192. Get Skilled Access, NDIS 2.0: A disability-led plan for the NDIS, Get Skilled Access, 2022, p. 22. Return to footnote 192
  193. Submission, SUB-W7Q4-003815. Return to footnote 193
  194. Department of Social Services, NDIS Quality & Safeguarding Framework, DSS website, 9 December 2016. Return to footnote 194
  195. Gupta, M., Soll, R. and Suresh, G., The relationship between patient safety and quality improvement in neonatology, Seminars in Perinatology, December 2019; Care Quality Commission, The fundamental standards, CQC website, August 2022. Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission – Regulatory Strategy, ACQSC, January 2020. Return to footnote 195
  196. Submission, SUB-T4W3-002563. Return to footnote 196
  197. NDIS Commission, NDIS Workforce Capability Framework, NDIS Commission website, May 2022; NDIS Commission, Evidence Matters, NDIS Commission website, July 2023; NDIS Commission, Practice Alerts, NDIS Commission website, August 2023. Return to footnote 197
  198. Submission, SUB-B8K3-001446. Return to footnote 198
  199. Submission, SUB-F7V0-001463. Return to footnote 199
  200. Submission, SUB-W4N6-002069. Return to footnote 200
  201. Submission, SUB-F3R9-001128. Return to footnote 201
  202. Submission, SUB-G0B7-001547. Return to footnote 202
  203. National Disability Insurance Agency, Supplement E to NDIS Quarterly Report to Disability Ministers 2022-23 Q4, NDIA website, August 2023, Table E.1. Return to footnote 203
  204. Submission, SUB-G4M1-000037. Return to footnote 204
  205. Productivity Commission,National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Costs Study Report, Productivity Commission website, 19 October 2017. Return to footnote 205
  206. Productivity Commission,National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Costs Study Report, Productivity Commission website, 19 October 2017; Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Market Readiness for provision of services under the NDIS - Final Report, Parliament of Australia, September 2018, p. 63-78; Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme, NDIS Planning - Final Report, Parliament of Australia, December 2020, p. 173-176, 201-211; Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme, NDIS Workforce - Final Report, Parliament of Australia, February 2022, p. 23-31, 37-50; Tune, D. Review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013: Removing Red Tape and Implementing the NDIS Participant Service Guarantee, DSS website, December 2019; Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme, General issues 2021 – Final Report, Parliament of Australia, November 2021, p. 122; Queensland Productivity Commission, Inquiry into The NDIS Market in Queensland - Final Report, Queensland Treasury, April 2021, p. 256. Return to footnote 206
  207. Department of Social Services, Analysis of NDIS market using NDIS monthly datasets as at 30 June 2023, unpublished, October 2023. Return to footnote 207
  208. Submission,SUB-L5B0-000827. Return to footnote 208
  209. Reeders, D., Carey, G., Malbon, E., Dickinson, H., Gilchrist, D., Duff, G., Chand, S., Kavanagh, A., and Alexander, D., Market Capacity Framework: An approach for identifying thin markets in the NDIS, Centre for Social Impact, December 2019. Return to footnote 209
  210. Department of Social Services, Analysis of NDIS market using NDIS monthly datasets as at 30 June 2023, unpublished, October 2023. Return to footnote 210
  211. [210] Bedford, J. and Atchison, C., Exhibit 25-078: Statement of the Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services (Inc) for the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, Australian Government, 17 June 2022, p. 5. Return to footnote 211
  212. Smith, K. and McRae, K., Exhibit 25-019: Joint Statement of Kunmanara (Margaret) Smith and Kim McRae, Australian Government, 21 June 2022, p. 29-30. Return to footnote 212
  213. Disability Sector Strengthening Plan, Disability Sector Strengthening Plan (, 2022 Return to footnote 213
  214. Department of Social Services, Analysis of NDIS monthly data - NDIA Annual Financial Sustainability Reports, unpublished, February 2023 Return to footnote 214
  215. Submission, SUB-B4K4-000560. Return to footnote 215
  216. Department of Social Services, Analysis of NDIS monthly data - NDIA AFSR, unpublished, February 2023 Return to footnote 216
  217. Submission, SUB-Q1Z1-002696. Return to footnote 217
  218. Department of Social Services, Analysis of NDIS monthly data - NDIA AFSR, unpublished, February 2023; National Disability Services, NDS Workforce Census Key Findings June 2021, NDS, December 2021; National Skills Commission, Care Workforce Labour Market Study: Final Report, National Skills Commission website, September 2021; Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), Disability, Ageing and Carers, Australia: Summary of Findings, ABS website, 2018; Deloitte Access Economics, The value of informal care in 2020, commissioned by Carers Australia, Deloitte, May 2020. Return to footnote 218
  219. Behavioural Economics Team of the Australian Government (BETA), NDIS workforce retention: Findings from the NDIS workforce survey, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, 2023. Return to footnote 219
  220. Department of Social Services, Analysis of NDIS monthly data - NDIA AFSR, unpublished, February 2023 Return to footnote 220
  221. Submission, SUB-N4M8-000761. Return to footnote 221
  222. Submission, SUB-F1B8-001038. Return to footnote 222
  223. National Skills Commission, Care Workforce Labour Market Study: Final Report, National Skills Commission website, September 2021. Return to footnote 223
  224. Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme, NDIS Workforce - Final Report, Parliament of Australia, February 2022, p. 101. Return to footnote 224
  225. Submission, SUB-N4M8-000761. Return to footnote 225
  226. National Disability Services, State of the Disability Sector Report 2022, NDS website, November 2022. Return to footnote 226
  227. Douglas, J., Winkler, D., Oliver, S., Liddicoat, S. and D’Cruz, K., Moving into new housing designed for people with disability: preliminary evaluation of outcomes, Disability and Rehabilitation, 2023, p. 1370-1378. Return to footnote 227
  228. National Disability Insurance Agency, Participant Safeguarding Policy, NDIA, April 2023; National Disability Insurance Agency, Supported Decision Making Policy, NDIA, April 2023; Mackey, T. & Hoffman, M., Joint Statement on the Approach to Supporting at Risk NDIS participantsNDIS Commission website, June 2022. Return to footnote 228
  229. Submission, SUB-N2Q0-001571. Return to footnote 229
  230. Department of Social Services, NDIS Quality & Safeguarding Framework, DSS website, 9 December 2016. Return to footnote 230
  231. Department of Social Services,NDIS Quality & Safeguarding Framework, DSS website, 9 December 2016. Return to footnote 231
  232. National Disability Insurance Agency, The Participant Safeguarding Co-design story, NDIA website, 2023; NDIS Quality & Safeguards Commission, Annual Report 2021-22, NDIS Commission website, October 2022. Return to footnote 232
  233. National Disability Insurance Agency, How do we think about risks when we create your plan, NDIA website, 29 June 2022; National Disability Insurance Agency, Changing Your Plan, NDIA website, 3 November 2022; T Mackey, Exhibit 26-102: Witness Statement of Ms Tracy Anne Mackey, Australian Government, 8 August 2022; NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, About own motion inquiries, NDIS Commission website, 13 February 2023; NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, Compliance and Enforcement Policies, NDIS Commission website, 22 December 2022; Mackey, T. & Hoffman, M., Joint Statement on the Approach to Supporting at Risk NDIS participants, NDIS Commission website, June 2022; NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission and National Disability Insurance Agency, Exhibit 32-195: Operational Protocol for NDIS participant at risk, Australian Government, 3 April 2023. Return to footnote 233
  234. Duffy, L. and Winther, T., Participant Check-ins: The reality on the ground, DSC website, 19 July 2022; Hargrave, J., Safeguards and Quality – Submission to the Royal Commission into Violence, abuse, neglect, exploitation of People with Disability, Australian Government, 1 February 2021. Return to footnote 234
  235. Submission, SUB-R4T3-001735. Return to footnote 235
  236. Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme, NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission Inquiry: Final Report, Parliament of Australia, November 2021; Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, Overview of responses to the Safeguards and Quality Issues paper, Australian Government, September 2021. Return to footnote 236
  237. National Disability Insurance Agency, Participant dashboards: Data downloads, NDIA, 30 June 2023. The percentage of adult participants in the NDIS with a disability that would likely benefit from SDM is calculated by adding several categories of primary disability (autism, developmental delay, intellectual disability, acquired brain injury, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, stroke and Down Syndrome), then calculating what proportion of adult NDIS participants this represents. The percentage of participants under the age of 18 is calculated by taking the age brackets for participants 18 years or below and adding them together, then calculating what proportion of total NDIS participants this represents. We acknowledge that this figure is speculative and does not account for individual circumstances or situations, however there is limited data available on this issue and more research is needed to better reflect the true picture of participant need for support for decision-making. Return to footnote 237
  238. Melbourne Disability Institute, Victorian Disability Act Review: Submission from the Melbourne Disability Institute, Melbourne Disability Institute, October 2021; Tune, D. Review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013: Removing Red Tape and Implementing the NDIS Participant Service Guarantee, DSS website, December 2019; Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, Overview of responses to the Safeguards and Quality Issues paper, Australian Government, September 2021. Return to footnote 238
  239. Submission, SUB-R4T3-001735. Return to footnote 239
  240. Westwood Spice, Community Visitor Schemes Review, Department of Social Services for the Disability Reform Council, Council of Australian Governments, Department of Social Services, December 2018; Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme, NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission Inquiry: Final Report, Parliament of Australia, November 2021. Return to footnote 240
  241. Westwood Spice, Community Visitor Schemes Review, Department of Social Services for the Disability Reform Council, Council of Australian Governments, Department of Social Services, December 2018. Return to footnote 241
  242. Department of Social Services, NDIS Quality & Safeguarding Framework, DSS website, December 2016. Return to footnote 242
  243. Victorian Office of the Public Advocate, Submission to the NDIS Participant Safeguarding Proposals Paper, Victorian OPA, 30 June 2023; ACT Government, Submission to the Inquiry into the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, Parliament of Australia, August 2020; Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme, NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission Inquiry: Final Report, Parliament of Australia, November 2021; Consultation, 8 June 2023, Workshop on Participant Safeguarding and Governance, Outcomes and Benefits. Return to footnote 243
  244. Australian Law Reform Commission, Elder Abuse – A National Legal Response, ALRC website, May 2017. Return to footnote 244
  245. NSW Ageing & Disability Commission, What we do, NSW Ageing & Disability Commission website, n.d.; Government of South Australia, History of the Adult Safeguarding Unit, SA Health website, n.d. Return to footnote 245
  246. National Disability Insurance Agency, NDIS Quarterly Report to Disability Ministers 2022-23 Q4, NDIA, 30 June 2023. Return to footnote 246
  247. National Disability Insurance Agency, NDIS Quarterly Report to Disability Ministers 2022-23 Q4, NDIA, 30 June 2023. Return to footnote 247
  248. NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, Quarterly Performance Report – April – June 2023, NDIS Commission, n.d. Return to footnote 248
  249. Submission, SUB-N2W4-001437. Return to footnote 249
  250. NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, NDIS Code of Conduct, NDIS Commission website, March 2023. Return to footnote 250
  251. National Disability Insurance Agency, Participant dashboards: Data downloads, NDIA, 30 June 2023. Note: The percentage of adult participants in the NDIS with a disability that would likely benefit from support for decision-making is calculated by adding everal categories of primary disability (autism, developmental delay, intellectual disability, acquired brain Working together to deliver the NDIS NDIS Review: Final Report 321 injury, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, stroke and Down Syndrome), then calculating what proportion of adult NDIS participants this represents. The percentage of participants under the age of 18 is calculated by taking the age brackets for participants 18 years or below and adding them together, then calculating what proportion of total NDIS participants this represents. We acknowledge that this figure is speculative and does not account for individual circumstances or situations, however there is limited data available on this issue and more research is needed to better reflect the true picture of participant need for support for decision-making. Return to footnote 251
  252. NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, Understanding what is involved in an audit, NDIS Commission website, October 2022. Return to footnote 252
  253. Submission, SUB-W1F5-000242. Return to footnote 253
  254. Submission, SUB-L1Y5-001052. Return to footnote 254
  255. Submission, SUB-G5Y8-001420. Return to footnote 255
  256. Submission, SUB-Z4W2-001443. Return to footnote 256
  257. Submission, SUB-D3Y0-000548. Return to footnote 257
  258. NDIS Commission, Unpublished analysis supplied by the NDIS Commission to the NDIS Review, October 2023. Return to footnote 258
  259. Submission, SUB-D3Y0-000548. Return to footnote 259
  260. Australian Government, National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013, Federal Register of Legislation, 2022. Return to footnote 260
  261. University of Melbourne, University of Technology Sydney and the University of Sydney, Research Report: Restrictive Practices: A pathway to elimination, Australian Government, July 2023. Return to footnote 261
  262. NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, The Unauthorised Uses of Restrictive Practices in the National Disability Insurance Scheme report, NDIS Commission, February 2023; Cortis, N., Smuth, C. and Katz, I., Reducing restrictive practices: A review of evidence-based alternatives, Australian Government, August 2023. Return to footnote 262
  263. Family Advocacy, Submission in response to the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework Issues Paper, Family Advocacy, n.d.; Submissions SUB-L9S7-001763; SUB-J9Q0-001115; SUB-Y1T1-001572. Return to footnote 263
  264. University of Melbourne, University of Technology Sydney and the University of Sydney, Research Report: Restrictive Practices: A pathway to elimination, Australian Government, July 2023. Return to footnote 264
  265. Submission, SUB-N4N7-001192. Return to footnote 265
  266. NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, Unauthorised uses of restrictive practices in the NDIS report, NDIS Commission, February 2023. Return to footnote 266
  267. NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, Quarterly Performance Report – April – June 2023, NDIS Commission website, n.d.; NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, Unauthorised uses of restrictive practices in the NDIS report, NDIS Commission, February 2023. Return to footnote 267
  268. NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, Behaviour support and restrictive practices fact sheet, NDIS Commission, July 2020; NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, Quarterly Performance Report – April – June 2023, NDIS Commission website, n.d. Return to footnote 268
  269. University of Melbourne, University of Technology Sydney and the University of Sydney, Research Report: Restrictive Practices: A pathway to elimination, Australian Government, July 2023. See also: McCallum, R., The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: An Assessment of Australia’s Level of Compliance, Australian Government, October 2020. Return to footnote 269
  270. Commonwealth of Australia, National Framework for Reducing and Eliminating the Use of Restrictive Practices in the Disability Service Sector, Department of Social Services, November 2014; Head, G., Exhibit 6-25: Witness Statement of Mr Graeme Head AO, Australian Government, 4 September 2020. Return to footnote 270
  271. NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, Practices proposed to be prohibited, NDIS Commission, n.d. Return to footnote 271
  272. University of Melbourne, University of Technology Sydney and the University of Sydney, Research Report: Restrictive Practices: A pathway to elimination, Australian Government, July 2023. Return to footnote 272
  273. Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, Volume 7: Inclusive education, employment and housing, Australian Government, 29 September 2023; Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, Volume 6: Enabling autonomy and access, Australian Government, 29 September 2023. Return to footnote 273
  274. Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme, NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission Inquiry: Final Report, Parliament of Australia website, November 2021. Return to footnote 274
  275. Submission, SUB-D6Q8-001415. Return to footnote 275
  276. Disability Reform Council, Statement – Meeting of Commonwealth, State and Territory Disability Ministers, Council of DSS website, 24 July 2020. Return to footnote 276
  277. Submission, SUB-R7B2-000151. Return to footnote 277
  278. Mackey, T., Exhibit 32-008: Statement of Tracy Mackey, Commissioner, NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, Australian Government, 3 February 2023, p. 37. Return to footnote 278
  279. Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, Volume 6: Enabling autonomy and access, Australian Government, 29 September 2023. Return to footnote 279
  280. NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, Practices to be prohibited, NDIS Commission, n.d. Return to footnote 280
  281. South Australian Government, Australian States and Territories Restrictive Practices Authorisation Frameworks – 2023 Edition, SA Government, 2023. Return to footnote 281
  282. NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, Behaviour Support Plan Quality – Summary results to December 2021, NDIS Commission, August 2022. Return to footnote 282
  283. Submission, SUB-Z6Z5-001208. Return to footnote 283
  284. Submissions, SUB-D9V3-001456; SUB-T2Q3-001473; SUB-Z6Z5-001208; Occupational Therapy Australia, Submission to the NDIS Review Participant Safeguarding Options Paper, Occupational Therapy Australia, June 2023; Consultation, Implementing Provider Workshop on Behaviour Supports and Restrictive Practices, 5 July 2023. Return to footnote 284
  285. Submissions, SUB-H3V3-002241; SUB-Y5H0-001704. Return to footnote 285
  286. Submissions, SUB-L9S7-001763; SUB-J9Q0-001115; SUB-Y1T1-001572. Return to footnote 286
  287. Submissions, SUB-Y5H0-001704; SUB-N4N7-001192. Return to footnote 287
  288. University of Melbourne, University of Technology Sydney and the University of Sydney, Research Report: Restrictive Practices: A pathway to elimination, Australian Government, July 2023; Cortis, N.Reducing restrictive practices: A review of evidence-based alternatives, Smyth, C. and Katz, I., Australian Government, August 2023; Leif, E., Subban, P., Sharma, U. and Fox, R., I Look at Their Rights First”: Strategies Used by Australian Behaviour Support Practitioners’ to Protect and Uphold the Rights of People with Disabilities, Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 2023; Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, Overview of responses to the Restrictive practices Issues paper, Australian Government, April 2021. Return to footnote 288
  289. National Disability Insurance Agency, NDIS Quarterly Report to Disability Ministers 2022-23 Q4, NDIA, 30 June 2023. NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, Quarterly Performance Report – April – June 2023, NDIS Commission website, n.d.; Department of Social Services, Analysis of NDIS monthly data - NDIA AFSR, unpublished, February 2023. Return to footnote 289
  290. Robertson, A., Independent review of the adequacy of the regulation of the supports and services provided to Ms Ann-Marie Smith, and NDIS participant, who died on 6 April 2020. Report to the Commissioner of the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, 31 August 2020. Return to footnote 290
  291. Every Australian Counts, Report for NDIS Independent Review Panel Consultation, EAC, August 2023. Return to footnote 291
  292. Submission, SUB-Y1T1-001572. Return to footnote 292
  293. Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme, NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission Inquiry: Final Report, Parliament of Australia, November 2021. Return to footnote 293
  294. Department of Social Services, The Applied Principles and Tables of Support to Determine Responsibilities NDIS and other service, DSS website, September 2021; Department of Health and Aged Care, Summary of Consultation Findings, Consultation on Harmonisation of Care and Support Regulation – Phase 1, Department of Health and Aged Care website, March 2022. Return to footnote 294
  295. Submission, SUB-B8K3-001446. Return to footnote 295
  296. NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, Quarterly Performance Report – April – June 2023, NDIS Commission website, n.d. Return to footnote 296
  297. NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, About own motion inquiries, NDIS Commission website, 13 February 2023. Return to footnote 297
  298. Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme, NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission Inquiry: Final Report, Parliament of Australia, November 2021. Return to footnote 298
  299. Submission, SUB-W1P1-001455. Return to footnote 299
  300. Submission SUB-X6Q6-001469. Return to footnote 300
  301. Submissions, SUB-G4F6-002111; SUB-X8B7-000060; SUB-L1Y5-001052; SUB-N4K3-001541; SUB-M6Q3-001736; SUB-X6Q6-001469. Return to footnote 301
  302. Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, Volume 10: Disability services, Australian Government, 29 September 2023. Return to footnote 302
  303. NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, Annual Report 2021-2022, NDIS Commission, 2022. Return to footnote 303
  304. Submission, SUB-M8L2-003799. Return to footnote 304
  305. Productivity Commission, Review of the National Disability Agreement, Productivity Commission Study Report, Productivity Commission website, February 2019. Return to footnote 305
  306. National People with Disabilities and Carer Council, Shut Out: The Experience of People with Disabilities and their Families in Australia: National Disability Strategy Consultation Report, DSS website, 2009. Return to footnote 306
  307. National People with Disability and Carer Council, Shut Out: The Experience of People with Disabilities and their Families in Australia: National Disability Strategy Consultation Report, DSS website, 5 August 2009. Return to footnote 307
  308. Department of Social Services, National Disability Strategy 2010-2020, DSS website, 11 September 2023. Return to footnote 308
  309. National Disability Insurance Agency, Intergovernmental Agreements, National Disability Insurance Agency website, 8 April 2022. Return to footnote 309
  310. Department of Social Services, Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031, DSS website, 2021. Return to footnote 310
  311. United Nations, Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, United Nations, 13 September 2007. Return to footnote 311
  312. Commonwealth of Australia, 2022 Commonwealth Closing the Gap Implementation Plan, National Indigenous Australians Agency, 5 August 2021; Commonwealth of Australia, 2023 Commonwealth Closing the Gap Implementation Plan, National Indigenous Australians Agency, 7 February 2023. Return to footnote 312
  313. Australian Bureau of Statistics, Disability, Ageing and Carers, Australia: Summary of Findings, Australian Bureau of Statistics website, 24 October 2019. Return to footnote 313
  314. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Health of People with Disability, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare website, 7 July 2022. Return to footnote 314
  315. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, People with Disability In Australia: Educational Attainment, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare website, 5 July 2022. Return to footnote 315
  316. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, People with Disability In Australia: Labour Force Participation, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare website, 5 July 2022. Return to footnote 316
  317. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, People with disability in Australia: Social inclusion, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare website, 5 July 2022. Return to footnote 317
  318. Australian Bureau of Statistics, National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey 2018–19, ABS website, 11 December 2019, Tables 2.1 and 2.3; Australian Bureau of Statistics, Disability, Ageing and Carers, Australia: Summary of Findings, ABS website, October 2019. Results accessed using Australian Bureau of Statistics TableBuilder, Age of person 0–65, by whether has a disability. Return to footnote 318
  319. Australian Bureau of Statistics, National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey 2018–19, ABS website, 11 December 2019. Results accessed using Australian Bureau of Statistics TableBuilder, Age of person, by disability status. Return to footnote 319
  320. Australian Governments and the Coalition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peak Organisations, National Agreement on Closing the Gap, Closing the Gap, July 2020, para 58-68. Return to footnote 320
  321. Australian Human Rights Commission, Wiyi Yani U Thangani (Women’s Voices): Securing Our Rights, Securing Our Future Report, Australian Human Rights Commission, 9 October 2020. Return to footnote 321
  322. Productivity Commission, Report on Government Services 2023: Services for people with disability, Productivity Commission website, 24 January 2023. Return to footnote 322
  323. Productivity Commission, Review of the National Disability Agreement: Productivity Commission Study Report, Productivity Commission website, January 2019. Return to footnote 323
  324. Productivity Commission, Review of the National Disability Agreement: Productivity Commission Study Report, Productivity Commission website, January 2019. Return to footnote 324
  325. Submission, SUB-D4R0-003765. Return to footnote 325
  326. Australian Government and States and Territories, Intergovernmental Agreement for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Launch, National Disability Insurance Agency, 7 December 2012. Return to footnote 326
  327. Productivity Commission, National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Costs Study Report, Productivity Commission website, 19 October 2017. Return to footnote 327
  328. Productivity Commission, National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Costs Study Report, Productivity Commission website, 19 October 2017. Return to footnote 328
  329. National Disability Insurance Agency, NDIS Quarterly Report to Disability Ministers 2022-23 Q4, NDIA, 30 June 2023; Johnson, S. and Gifford, D. National Disability Insurance Scheme Annual Financial Sustainability Report 2021-22, National Disability Insurance Agency, n.d. Return to footnote 329
  330. Productivity Commission, Report on Government Services 2023 – Services for people with disability, Productivity Commission website, January 2023. Return to footnote 330
  331. Australian Government, Budget 2023-24: Budget Paper No. 1: Budget Strategy and Outlook, Australian Government, 9 May 2023. Return to footnote 331
  332. Duffy, S. and Brown, M., Redesigning the NDIS: An international perspective on an Australian disability support system, Citizen Network Research, August 2023. Return to footnote 332
  333. Submission, SUB-M8L2-003799. Return to footnote 333
  334. Dew, A., Dowse, L., Athanassiou, U., Trollor, J. Current Representation of People With Intellectual Disability in Australian Mental Health Policy: The Need for Inclusive Policy Development, Journal of Policy and Practice In Intellectual Disabilities, 15:2, 2018, p. 136. Return to footnote 334
  335. Submission, SUB-R5H6-003493. Return to footnote 335
  336. Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, Executive Summary, Our vision for an Inclusive Australia and Recommendations, Australian Government, 29 September 2023, p. 149. Return to footnote 336
  337. Submission, SUB-C8F4-003580. Return to footnote 337
  338. Australian Government, National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013, Federal Register of Legislation, 2022. Return to footnote 338
  339. National Disability Insurance Agency, Annual Financial Sustainability Reports, NDIA website, 2023. Return to footnote 339
  340. Taylor Fry, Review of NDIA actuarial forecast model and drivers of Scheme costs, 2021, p. 7. Return to footnote 340
  341. Taylor Fry, Review of NDIA actuarial forecast model and drivers of Scheme costs, DSS website, 2021, p. 2. Return to footnote 341
  342. NDIS Actuary, Annual Financial Sustainability Report 2021-22, NDIA website, 2023, p.31. Return to footnote 342
  343. NDIS Actuary, Annual Financial Sustainability Reports 2021-22, NDIA website, 2023, p.28. Return to footnote 343
  344. Per Capita, False Economy: The economic benefits of the National Disability Insurance Scheme and the consequences of government cost-cutting, 2021, p.7-8. Return to footnote 344
  345. Joint Standing Committee, Current Scheme Implementation and Forecasting for the NDIS, Parliament of Australia, 2022, p.17. Return to footnote 345
  346. Per Capita, False Economy: The economic benefits of the National Disability Insurance Scheme and the consequences of government cost-cutting, 2021, p.7-8. Return to footnote 346
  347. Joint Standing Committee, Current Scheme Implementation and Forecasting for the NDIS, Parliament of Australia, 2022, p.73-74. Return to footnote 347
  348. Submission, SUB-N2Q0-001571. Return to footnote 348
  349. Productivity Commission, National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Costs Study Report, Productivity Commission website, October 2017, p. 412-413. Return to footnote 349
  350. Productivity Commission, National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Costs Study Report, Productivity Commission website, October 2017, p. 412-413. Return to footnote 350
  351. Submission, SUB-F4B0-000821. Return to footnote 351
  352. Submission, SUB-J2L5-000850. Return to footnote 352
  353. Submission, SUB-L5N8-000064. Return to footnote 353
  354. Tune, D. Review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013: Removing Red Tape and Implementing the NDIS Participant Service Guarantee, DSS website, December 2019. Return to footnote 354
  355. Submission, SUB-F2W7-002197. Return to footnote 355
  356. Submission, SUB-P3W4-003736. Return to footnote 356
  357. Submission, SUB-B2D4-002363. Return to footnote 357
  358. Submissions, SUBF3K6-000431; SUB-G0C5-000673; SUB-G2B4-002690. Return to footnote 358
  359. Submission, SUB-X8Y0-000396. Return to footnote 359
  360. Submission, SUB-X1H2-000845. Return to footnote 360
  361. Submission, SUB-Y0W7-000386. Return to footnote 361
  362. Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Interim Report on the Culture and Capability of the NDIA, Parliament of Australia, March 2023. Return to footnote 362
  363. Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme, NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission Inquiry: Final Report, Parliament of Australia, November 2021. Return to footnote 363
  364. Submission, SUB-D9V3-001456. Return to footnote 364
  365. Submission, SUB-X6Q6-001469. Return to footnote 365
  366. National Disability Insurance Agency, Annual Report 2021-2022, NDIA website, 4 November 2022. Return to footnote 366
  367. Australian Public Service Commission, Australian Public Service Disability Employment Strategy 2020-25, APSC website, 2020, p. 5. Return to footnote 367
  368. Tune, D. Review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013: Removing Red Tape and Implementing the NDIS Participant Service Guarantee, DSS website, December 2019. Return to footnote 368
  369. National Disability Insurance Agency, NDIS Quarterly Report to Disability Ministers 2022-23 Q4, NDIA, 30 June 2023. Return to footnote 369
  370. Submission, SUB-R8P7-000683. Return to footnote 370
  371. Submission, SUB-K8N7-001033. Return to footnote 371
  372. Carey, G., Malbon, E. ‘Implementation Challenges in the NDIS’, in Cowden, M., McCullagh, C. (eds.) The National Disability Insurance Scheme: An Australian Public Policy Experiment, Springer Nature eBooks, 2021, p. 154; Dickinson, H. and Yates S., A decade on: The achievements and challenges of the National Disability Insurance Scheme's implementation, Australian Journal of Social Issues, July 2023. Return 2663to footnote 372
  373. Carey, G., Malbon, E. ‘Implementation Challenges in the NDIS’, in Cowden, M., McCullagh, C. (eds.) The National Disability Insurance Scheme: An Australian Public Policy Experiment, Springer Nature eBooks, 2021, p. 154; Dickinson, H. and Yates S., A decade on: The achievements and challenges of the National Disability Insurance Scheme's implementation, Australian Journal of Social Issues, July 2023. Return to footnote 373
  374. Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Independent Assessments: Final Report, Parliament of Australia, October 2021, p. 137-153. Return to footnote 374
  375. Submission, SUB-L7Y4-000414. Return to footnote 375
  376. Submission, SUB-K8N7-001033. Return to footnote 376
  377. Submission, SUB-G6H8-001206. Return to footnote 377
  378. Submission, SUB-P7T3-000808. Return to footnote 378
  379. Submission, SUB-K4Z4-000804. Return to footnote 379
  380. Digital Transformation Agency, DTA website, 2023.Digital Service Standard criteria Return to footnote 380
  381. UK Government Commercial Function, Testing and Piloting Services: Guidance Note, UK Government, May 2021, p. 13. Return to footnote 381
  382. Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Independent Assessments: Final Report, Parliament of Australia, October 2021, p. 137-153. Return to footnote 382
  383. Australian Government, Closing the Gap: Priority Reforms, Closing the Gap website, July 2020. Return to footnote 383
  384. National Disability Insurance Agency, Do you meet the disability requirements? NDIA website, June 2022; National Disability Insurance Agency, Do you need early intervention? NDIA website, June 2022; National Disability Insurance Agency, List C: What if you’re receiving disability support in Western Australia? NDIA website, June 2022. Return to footnote 384
  385. World Health Organisation, Adolescent health, WHO website, n.d. Return to footnote 385
  386. National Disability Insurance Agency, Annual Financial Sustainability Reports, NDIA website, June 2023. Return to footnote 386
  387. Digital Transformation Agency and Standard Business Reporting, What is an API?, website, 2018. Return to footnote 387
  388. Digital Transformation Agency, About the Digital Service Standard, DTA website, n.d. Return to footnote 388
  389. Disability Gateway, Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031, Disability Gateway website, 2021. Return to footnote 389
  390. Disability Gateway, Australia’s Disability Strategy Advisory Council, Disability Gateway website, 2021. Return to footnote 390
  391. Department of Social Services, NDIS Quality & Safeguarding Framework, DSS website, 9 December 2016. Return to footnote 391
  392. NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, Understanding behaviour support and restrictive practices, NDIS Commission website, 14 August 2023. Return to footnote 392
  393. Productivity Commission, Review of the National Disability Agreement: Study Report, Productivity Commission website, January 2019; Australian Government, Bilateral Agreement between the Commonwealth and Victoria on the National Disability Insurance Scheme, website. Return to footnote 393
  394. Parliamentary Education Office, What are the 3 main functions of Cabinet ministers, PEO website, n.d. Return to footnote 394
  395. Australian Public Service Commission, Capability Review Program, APSC website, 6 July 2023. Return to footnote 395
  396. Department of the Prime Minister & Cabinet, Draft National Care and Support Economy Strategy, PM&C website, 28 May 2023. Return to footnote 396
  397. National Disability Insurance Agency, Glossary, NDIA website, July 2023. Return to footnote 397
  398. People with Disability Australia, National Disability Insurance Scheme: Citizens’ Jury Scorecard, PWD website, May 2015.  Return to footnote 398
  399. Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors, Complex communication needs, DCDSS website, 2018. Return to footnote 399
  400. National Disability Insurance Agency, Improved NDIS planning for people with complex support needs, NDIA website, November 2018. Return to footnote 400
  401. Department of Social Services, NDIS Quality & Safeguarding Framework, DSS website, 9 December 2016. Return to footnote 401
  402. Australian Government, Australia’s Federal Relations Architecture, website, n.d.; Council of Australian Governments, About COAG, Trove, January 2021. Return to footnote 402
  403. O’Loughlin, M. Benchmarking and accountability: the role of the COAG Reform Council, Productivity Commission website, 2010. Return to footnote 403
  404. Australian Government, Agreements, website, n.d. Return to footnote 404
  405. National Disability Insurance Agency, NDIS Supported Decision Making Policy, NDIA website, April 2023. Return to footnote 405
  406. National Disability Insurance Agency, Glossary, NDIA website, July 2023. Return to footnote 406
  407. Australian Government, National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013, Federal Register of Legislation, 2022. Return to footnote 407
  408. Department of Social Services, NDIS Quality & Safeguarding Framework, DSS website, 9 December 2016. Return to footnote 408
  409. Australian Early Development Census (AEDC), How to understand the AEDC results, AEDC website, n.d. Return to footnote 409
  410. Department of Social Services, NDIS Quality & Safeguarding Framework, DSS website, 9 December 2016. Return to footnote 410
  411. Australian Government, Ministerial Council, website, n.d.; Australian Government, National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013, Federal Register of Legislation, 2022. Return to footnote 411
  412. National Disability Insurance Agency, Glossary, NDIA website, July 2023. Return to footnote 412
  413. National Disability Insurance Agency, Glossary, NDIA website, July 2023. Return to footnote 413
  414. National Disability Insurance Agency, Glossary, NDIA website, July 2023. Return to footnote 414
  415. National Disability Insurance Agency, Glossary, NDIA website, July 2023. Return to footnote 415
  416. Evidence-based best practice | NDIS Return to footnote 416
  417. Australian Government, Agreements, website, n.d. Return to footnote 417
  418. Department of Social Services, NDIS Quality & Safeguarding Framework, DSS website, 9 December 2016; Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, Safeguards and Quality Issues paper, Australian Government, September 2021. Return to footnote 418
  419. Intergenerational reports Return to footnote 419
  420. Australian Government, Agreements, website, n.d. Return to footnote 420
  421. National Disability Insurance Agency, Glossary, NDIA website, July 2023. Return to footnote 421
  422. Australian Government, National Cabinet, website, n.d. Return to footnote 422
  423. [423] Department of Social Services, NDIS Quality & Safeguarding Framework, DSS website, 9 December 2016. Return to footnote 423
  424. National Disability Insurance Agency, Independent Advisory Council, NDIA website, July 2023. Return to footnote 424
  425. National Disability Insurance Agency, Glossary, NDIA website, n.d. Return to footnote 425
  426. National Disability Insurance Agency, Glossary, NDIA website, n.d. Return to footnote 426
  427. National Disability Insurance Agency, NDIS pathway reform, NDIA website, January 2019. Return to footnote 427
  428. National Disability Insurance Agency, Participant Service Guarantee, NDIA website, August 2023. Return to footnote 428
  429. National Disability Insurance Agency, Glossary, NDIA website, July 2023. Return to footnote 429
  430. Australian Government, National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013, Federal Register of Legislation, 2022. Return to footnote 430
  431. Department of Social Services, NDIS Quality & Safeguarding Framework, DSS website, 9 December 2016 Return to footnote 431
  432. Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, Executive Summary, Our vision for an inclusive Australia and Recommendations, Australian Government, September 2021. Return to footnote 432
  433. Productivity Commission, Mental Health Inquiry Report, Productivity Commission website, 30 June 2020, p. 826. Return to footnote 433
  434. Department of Social Services, NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework, DSS website, 2016. Return to footnote 434
  435. National Disability Insurance Agency, Glossary, NDIA website, n.d. Return to footnote 435
  436. Department of Social Services, NDIS Quality & Safeguarding Framework, DSS website, 9 December 2016. Return to footnote 436
  437. My Aged Care, Aged Care Homes, Australian Government, n.d. Return to footnote 437
  438. Australian Government, National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013, Federal Register of Legislation, 2022. Return to footnote 438
  439. Department of Social Services, NDIS Quality & Safeguarding Framework, DSS website, 9 December 2016; Department of Finance, Regulator Performance Guide (RMG 128), Department of Finance website, 4 July 2023. Return to footnote 439
  440. Department of Social Services, NDIS Quality & Safeguarding Framework, DSS website, 9 December 2016. Return to footnote 440
  441. Macquarie Dictionary, Safety, Macmillan Publishers, n.d. Return to footnote 441
  442. Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, Executive Summary, Our Vision for an inclusive Australia and Recommendations, Australian Government, September 2023. Return to footnote 442
  443. National Disability Insurance Agency, NDIS Supported Decision Making Policy, NDIA website, April 2023. Return to footnote 443
  444. Productivity Commission, Disability Care and Support: Inquiry Report, Productivity Commission website, August 2011. Return to footnote 444
  445. Australian Government, National Disability Insurance Scheme (Incident Management and Reportable Incidents) Rules 2018 (Incident Management and Reportable Incidents Rules), Federal Register of Legislation website, May 2018. Return to footnote 445
  446. Department of Social Services, NDIS Quality & Safeguarding Framework, DSS website, 9 December 2016. Return to footnote 446