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Submission SUB-B0P5-001434 (Kerry)

Submission reference
Individual's name
Submission type
General submission
What are your three main problems or concerns with the NDIS?

I do not want to be forced to use registered providers.

I do not want to be forced to use agency staff or registered

I feel we are at risk of providers lobbying the government and risking what we, as people with disabilities, have fought so hard for. Keeping choice and control with Self Management as I believe choice and control, of who we choose to care for us, to be the foundation of the NDIS.

How do these three main problems affect you and/or others?

It limits our choice and control of our own lives. I do not want to see this taken away from us.

What parts of the NDIS are working well for you?

Self Management of my plan is working very well, especially not having to use registered providers, who i generally find provide poor service and take people with disabilities for granted. I never ever want to return to the bad old days where providers told us what we could and couldn’t do. I much prefer to use unregistered providers and directly employ my own workers.