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Submission SUB-B1H5-000118 (Good Family Care)

Submission reference
Good Family Care
Submission type
General upload
Is there anything else that you would like to tell the NDIS Review?

In connection with the review being undertaken into the NDIS, I have attached an overview of our experience as a Registered NDIS provider in supporting 2 participants with high and complex needs, who are under the authority of the Public Guardian Tasmania. I have put forward some suggestions to improve 'supported decision-making' for these most vulnerable participants, who have no 'voice' or 'choice and control' of their own in the NDIS system (impersonal guardian representation). I believe the NDIS Commission could play a greater role in giving them a voice and protecting their rights. The attached document explains our experience, suggestions and our desire for decision-making round NDIS supports to be a more 'inclusive' experience, for all involved in the care of such vulnerable participants and to achieve the best outcomes for the participants themselves.

Attachment Size
Attachment 1: SUB-B1H5-000118 334.2 KB