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Submission SUB-B1T7-000158 (Anonymous)

Submission reference
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General submission
What are your three main problems or concerns with the NDIS?

Allowing Plan managers to decide what is best for the participant, Thay do not work 1:1 with participants or have any qualifications to make clinical recommendations on how a participant should use funding.
why is NDIA planners always put clients onto Plan Managed plans, all new plans are being forced to use a plan manager as this is what NDIA are putting on NDIS plans.
why do providers need to be left unpaid if the participant doesn't advise anyone that they have no funding left, why let providers go broke just because there was lack of communication or understanding.

How do these three main problems affect you and/or others?

All 3 points require additional hours/ work for the participant or nominee. People that are on the NDIS do not have the understanding to deal with such complex system.

What do you think are possible solutions to those problems?

move towards a Medicare/ private health system, take out the 3rd party's