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The NDIS has transformed lives and Australia

We have come a long way from what life was like for a person with a disability before the NDIS. The NDIS has changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people with disability and their families for the better. Its introduction has transformed the nation, creating social and economic benefits. It has made our country stronger and fairer.

I have a spinal injury... equipment, care and assistance costs basically eat away at any reasonable chance of decent ongoing life or retirement. I have a life because of the NDIS… I just want to say it has changed my life. I can breathe. My stress has reduced immeasurably. I could not be more appreciative. The difference... it just can't be explained.

– Participant 5

It has been life changing. Our daughter‘s development would not be possible without the support we have been able to access due to the NDIS. Without the NDIS we would not have been able to afford such supports and it would have had devastating impacts on our health, finances, relationships and overall well being.

– Carer 6

As a social insurance scheme, the NDIS also creates benefits to people without disability and is an important part of Australia’s safety net. No one knows when they might acquire a disability or have a child or grandchild who is born with a disability and may need the NDIS.

The NDIS has been absolutely wonderful for my sister. She has carers that have established genuine relationships with her... She loves to go out for coffee, spend time with her peers in group settings where she can participate by being helped by carers with activities such as art... If it wasn't for the NDIS, my sister quite simply wouldn't have a life at all, she would be sitting in a chair in the care facility she lives in doing very little.

– Carer 7

It is easy to forget how bold a step the NDIS was - and is. No other nation has anything like it. Today it is one of the pillars on which the decency and fairness of Australia society stands.